What a fun list to complete on a dreary Spring day. Thanks for checking out my post :) These are my answers to the swap on the ESG group - and thanks for posting a rating!
A Age - 61
B Biggest fear - I'm not fearful of much, but I want to stay healthy and stick around for my family. It bothers me that out world seems out of control with terrorism and even domestic craziness. Crazy people killing innocents doesn't make sense to me. So, while I don't live in fear of this, it's hard to ignore!
C Current time - Saturday, May 5th, 6 PM
D Drink you last had - Coffee
E Every day starts with - Coffee (lol - see a pattern?)
F Favourite song- I don't have just one favorite. One of my faves is Oceans - by Hillsong
G Ghosts, are they real - Just the Holy Ghost!
H Hometown - born in Chicago, but have lived in Richmond since 1980.
I In love with - my husband :) Still...after 33 years of marriage!
J - Jealous of - people who live in Hawaii! I'm happy for them, but wish I'd never left.
K Known language(s) - English
L Last time you cried - a few days ago
M Middle name - Judee
N Number of siblings - 1 brother
O One wish - I wish for my kids to be happy
P Person you last called - My husband
Q Question you are always asked - "Would you like his voice mail?" I make a lot of phone calls every day, and no one is ever available, so the receptionists ask that!
R Reason to smile - You're loved :)
S Song last sung - Singing along with Spotify now - "Under the Boardwalk" is on now.
T Time you woke up - I slept in today - Saturday - got up at 8:30.
U Underwear colour - blue
V Vacation destination - HAWAII, please!
W Worst habit - spending too much money
X Xrays you've had- wrist, shoulder, back, chest, teeth
Y Your fave food - big fat juicy steak on the grill with roasted veggies - YUM!
Z Zodiac sign - Leo
Well, that's my list and I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!
Hope to swap again soon, and have a great month!
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