So, for this swap, and just to post an update for anyone who might drop by... Here's a re-introduction about me and an update on my family.
I can't hardly believe it, but I turned 60 just a few weeks ago on August 10th. This is significant to me for a few different reasons. Besides the obvious - a new decade, senior citizen discounts and more candles on the cake...I'm happy to have lived longer than my mom, who died entirely too young. She passed away in 1995 at 58 years old. Now I'm aiming to live beyond 65 years old. My dad was killed in a car crash in 2000, not long after his 65th birthday. Not that we really set age goals for ourselves, but I always notice dates, times, years, etc...
Besides a milestone birthday, this has been a fun summer. They always seem to go by faster every year, and this time around is no different. While others are complaining about the heat and humidity, I'm enjoying every minute of it. Winter will be here soon enough, and I'll be the one complaining. I wish I could just go to sleep in October and wake up in May! And the weather here in Virginia isn't nearly as brutal as it is up north. Growing up in Chicago, living in New England....I have had my fill of rough winters! Virginia is so much more tolerable, even when winter hits.
The highlight of summer for me was our trip to Phoenix and a mini-family reunion there. It was 106 degrees....and I love it! Here's a photo of the gang that came to celebrate my birthday:

Another big event this summer was my resignation from the international leadership team for "The Walk to Emmaus" -- After 11 years, it was time to step down and make room for someone else to take the reins. I loved my role and the amazing people I served with, but I have to admit -- it feels pretty good to have a little more breathing room with my schedule.
As for work, it's been a good year so far, and with 4 months left, I think I have a good shot of qualifying for Presidents Club. I need more NEW business though, and quite a big chunk. I'm already at my annual sales quota, but we need $325K in NEW business to qualify for Presidents Club, and I'm not even close! Yikes! Know anyone who might be a good prospect for me?? I do pay referral fees, so don't hold back! LOL -- CLICK THIS LINK FOR MORE INFO
Update on the kids -- Callie was promoted at ULTA Beauty, and is now the co-manager of the Short Pump store. She and Elliott came to Phoenix with us, and then went straight to Nags Head with his family when we got home. Jacob is a freelance graphic designer in Chattanooga - still loves rock climbing! He's bringing his new girlfriend home in 2 weeks, and I'm excited about meeting her! He surprised her in July by showing up at her yoga studio in California, and spent 10 days out west. We're all going to the Washington Nationals game on September 11th -- that was Michael's Father's Day present from the kids.
Michael has been keeping busy with his 3 churches, as well as serving in Emmaus, Kairos and as a hospice volunteer. He's gotten a lot of work done here at the house, and at the parsonage - His garden was very fruitful this summer! He's ready for a break though - Anyone who thinks that pastors only work on Sundays has no idea!
So, as we head in to Labor Day weekend, I'm looking forward to a weekend trip to Marco Island, Florida, with one of my very best friends. Margaret and I both love the ocean, sea shells and playing Scrabble, so our weekend will be a great getaway! I hope you have an awesome holiday weekend too, and thanks for reading my blog!