It's been a while since I posted this swap to my blog, so I decided to do so this month.
Here are the pictures I chose to share... and I hope you like them!
These first two photos were taken at our parsonage out in the country. My husband retired on 6/30, and we had to move everything out of the house and back into our main home. That was no easy feat, as he'd collected way too much stuff in the 10 years we had that second home. So much were things I'd gotten rid of once, and I really didn't want it back again! Before we left for good, I took these pix of the magnolia and mimosa trees in the yard. I will miss them!

These next shots show my dog Tilly and one I took while taking her on a walk. We get such pretty skies here, and I'm always taking pictures of them! Tilly is wearing a bandana that says "It's My Gotcha Day" - I adopted her on 7/29/2020 and we celebrated 3 years together with a nice walk around the park.

This one is of my friend Bud and me, emceeing a show at a local club. One of our favorite artists who's originally from this area was back to play at the club. He's been in Nashville for 20+ years, so it was good to see him, and nice that he let our internet radio station THE BREEZE be the host. Click the link and give us a listen. I host "The Listening Room", weekdays 11am - 3pm Eastern Time.
And my last photo is one I found from waaaaay back when. I attended a summer camp in Wisconsin when I was 10-13 years old. This house was on the top of a hill, right at the lake front. The dining hall was on the first floor, along with a small library, and the camp directors lived upstairs. The campers stayed in cabins on the property. Those were some amazing summers!
That's it for this month... Hope you liked seeing these. I'd love to see your swap too, if you care to share. Thanks for posting a rating for me, and I hope to swap again soon!