Monday, September 2, 2024

My Favorite Photos - August - Swap from Happy Mom

 Holy Moly - Can't believe it's been almost a full year since I shared my Favorite Photo Swap on this blog.  It's been a wild year for me, so I shouldn't be 'that' suprised.  Still, I didn't realize it had been that long!  I decided to post on here this time, because I just had too many pix to send via email.  Thanks for indulging me, and I hope you enjoy the photos.

In somewhat random order...  

These first 3 come from the first of 2 high school reunions I have this year.  Since I transferred schools my Junior Year, I get to celebrate 50 years twice.  This first reunion is for the large public high school I transferred from, and they took a photo of each of the elementary schools, plus they divided us in halves to get a photo of the entire group.  I was surprised by how many people I remembered, and I'm so glad I went. 

Next are a few pictures from my son's adventures in Colorado.  He's an avid mountain biker, climber and well as a photographer and graphic designer.


And the randomness continues....  My daughter couldn't wait to pull out her Halloween decorations.  This one is her dog, Iris, checking out the light-up ghost.

I treated myself to a new blanket and set of sheets.  

Saw some interesting fungi growing along the trail:

These next two are of "Fred's Rose" - a gift from my friend the day my dad passed away in 2000.  It blooms a few times every year, and each time, the colors are different.  This first picture was taken 8/8 and the second one 8/9:

My dog, Tilly isn't really a fan of riding in the car, but we went a few places this month...

This next picture is a screen shot of locations tuned in to my internet radio show on THE BREEZE.  If you've never listened-in, I invite you to do so.  I'm on M-F 10AM-2PM eastern time.  When I see people listening in the UK, I always wonder if they're Swap-bot friends!

This last one is your giggle for the day ๐Ÿ˜‚...

And with that, I'm signing off and hope you liked the photos I've shared.  Please post a rating so I know you were able to view them OK.

Have a great month, and thanks for being part of the Electronic Swaps Group!

Happy Mom

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Happy Mom's Favorite Photos - September

 Hello friends and swappers!  Here are my favorite photos from September for the ESG Swap on Swap-bot.  I love sharing photos, so if you care to share yours, please send me your swap too, even if we aren't partnered.  Thanks, and enjoy the visit!


My son did his first hike/climb on a trail rated 14.5 with his team at Osprey Packs.  He shared this picture and I love the scenery and the fact that he accomplished something he'd been wanting to do for a while.  

This next picture is of my daughter and son-in-law when they went to a wedding out of town.  They clean up pretty good ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.
My daughter is obsessed with Fall and Halloween, and books, as you can see...  She loves to decorate and got an early start this year.  I'll share more next month!
My internet radion station was the official music channel for the Richmond International Film Festival, and this picture is of Bud, me and Bill - taken at a rooftop performance of the Singer-Songwriters who are part of the event.  You can give us a listen at - I'm on 10AM - 1PM, Monday through Friday (Eastern Time).  Bill does mornings (7AM-10AM) and Bud does afternoons (1PM - 4PM).  We've been friends for years and it's so much fun doing radio with them!
On September 1st, I took Tilly on a nice hike at Sunday Park and she enjoys checking out the water at the Swift Creek Reservoir.  She's intrigued by it, but isn't one to jump in.
And, the next day, I took my grand-dog on a hike at Rockwood Park.  This double leash is a godsend, and we had a pull-free walk, which was amazing!
This gem is from my niece taken of her daughter at a fall festival.  She's turning 1 year old this month, and I can't believe how fast this time has gone.  Hope to see her over the holidays or early next year, since they live 800 miles away.
Last, but not least, is a photo I snagged from Instagram.  This is my kinda pumpkin - I'm obsessed with Hawaii, and think this is so pretty!

So - there you have my photo tour and recap of some September highlights.  Hope you liked my shares, and thanks for posting a rating so I know you received this OK.

Have a great month,

Ilyse - Happy Mom on Swap-bot

Friday, August 4, 2023

My Favorite Photos - July

 It's been a while since I posted this swap to my blog, so I decided to do so this month.  

Here are the pictures I chose to share... and I hope you like them!

These first two photos were taken at our parsonage out in the country.  My husband retired on 6/30, and we had to move everything out of the house and back into our main home.  That was no easy feat, as he'd collected way too much stuff in the 10 years we had that second home.  So much were things I'd gotten rid of once, and I really didn't want it back again!  Before we left for good, I took these pix of the magnolia and mimosa trees in the yard.  I will miss them!

These next shots show my dog Tilly and one I took while taking her on a walk.  We get such pretty skies here, and I'm always taking pictures of them!  Tilly is wearing a bandana that says "It's My Gotcha Day" - I adopted her on 7/29/2020 and we celebrated 3 years together with a nice walk around the park.


This one is of my friend Bud and me, emceeing a show at a local club.   One of our favorite artists who's originally from this area was back to play at the club.  He's been in Nashville for 20+ years, so it was good to see him, and nice that he let our internet radio station THE BREEZE be the host.  Click the link and give us a listen.  I host "The Listening Room", weekdays 11am - 3pm Eastern Time.

And my last photo is one I found from waaaaay back when.  I attended a summer camp in Wisconsin when I was 10-13 years old.  This house was on the top of a hill, right at the lake front. The dining hall was on the first floor, along with a small library, and the camp directors lived upstairs.  The campers stayed in cabins on the property.  Those were some amazing summers!

That's it for this month... Hope you liked seeing these.  I'd love to see your swap too, if you care to share.  Thanks for posting a rating for me, and I hope to swap again soon!


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

My Favorite Photos - January

Happy New Year!  I hope the year is off to a great start for you and yours.  Can you believe that the year is already 1/12th over?  Yikes!  

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Here are some totally random favorite photos from January - 

Tilly and I did a "First Day" Hike on New Year's Day, and went out to the Swift Creek Reservoir.

My friends and I met for a birthday brunch.  This is Linda, Margaret and me.  It felt great to get together and celebrate their birthdays, which are 3 days apart.  We're all born the same year, but my birthday is in August.

This next picture is so clever!   Not only are the rings beautiful, but the 3rd band was added as a "push present" when some friends of mine recently had their first baby.  The band spells their daughter's name in Morse Code.

This next photo was snagged from Instagram.  
I love it and think it's worth a share....Great reminders.

This next one is of my daughter and husband.  She had a day off work and they met for breakfast.  
Reminds me of my own "Daddy-Daughter Dates" and I love it.

This next one is my "grand-dog" Iris.  She is so sweet!

And, last up is a collage of 2 collages I made the other day during a CREATIVE MORNINGS field trip.  If you've never heard of CM - check it out!  In addition to local chapters that meet face-to-face, they offer free online classes or "field trips".  This was such a nice way to spend my lunch time!

So...that's it for this visit.  I hope you liked the photos I chose.  Follow me on INSTAGRAM to see more of my everyday posts.

Have a great month, and thanks for posting a rating so I know you could see this OK!

Friday, January 6, 2023

My Favorite Photo - December

 December was a crazy month, as most months are!  Here are a couple of my favorite photos to share, of course, dogs and kids always rule!

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First up - This is my Tilly in her Christmas sweater.  We had super-cold weather for a few days, but she doesn't mind.

Next is Iris - my daughter's pitty mix and the sweetest ever!

Next - meet Bindi and Pica.  They live in Colorado with my son and his girlfriend.  They're sporting their holiday bandanas that Tilly sent for Christmas!

These next two sweeties belong to the world's best wedding coordinator. Bizzy and Lady made our wedding planning so much fun!

Two more favorites - My daughter and son-in-law went to Boston and stopped by the Harvard Book Store:

And last but not least, my son sent this one of him and his girlfriend from a snowboard trip:

It was a fun month...great way to finish one year and head into the next.

Here's to an awesome 2023!


Friday, December 2, 2022

My Favorite Photos - November - Swap from Happy Mom

 Hi everyone!  So excited to share these with you, and it was hard to limit to just a few.  We had such a crazy busy and good month... My daughter married the love of her life just 2 weeks ago, so family and friends were here from near and far.  

The month was made even more special with some milestones reached for all of us, and we've entered the holiday season with so much joy that we just might burst!  I hope you enjoy the pix - We haven't even gotten the photographer's package yet, just some previews.

My daughter and me

At the altar - That's hubby and me in the front row.

"First Look"

That arbor was amazing - I still have some of the flowers on my kitchen table.

This is a collage I made of photos from my daughter's wedding, my parents, and my husband and me.  All 3 brides wore the same gown, which was embroidered inside with each of our names and wedding dates.  We have a few shots that will be great together in frames with similar poses, showing the generations.  

Having our son home from Colorado was so good!  I miss that kid, and I know it meant a lot to everyone.  His girlfriend couldn't make the wedding here because she was in a wedding the same weekend, but we hope to meet her early next year.  They seem so well suited for each other - both love mountain biking, dogs and the outdoors.

He sent this picture from a bike ride with his girlfriend. 

These next 2 shots are from my trip to Knoxville, the week before the wedding.  Feels good to get out on the road again.  With all the problems people seem to have with flights, my experience was hassle-free, and I was so thankful.  I celebrated with some champagne!  

And last, but not least... our Thanksgiving dinner table.  Our son was already back in Colorado, so it was just my husband and me, plus the newlyweds.  Everything was delicious and it was a nice reconnect after all the hustle and bustle!

So - those are my photos this time around.  Hope you had a great month, and that December is filled with Christmas love and joy!



My Favorite Photos - August - Swap from Happy Mom

 Holy Moly - Can't believe it's been almost a full year since I shared my Favorite Photo Swap on this blog.  It's been a wild ye...